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Lappkabel 0012351 Lapp olflex P 500 2x1, 5 mm ² PUR workshop management 100m ring

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Lappkabel 0012351
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-6% 3,23 EUR 3,44 EUR
incl. 0,24 EUR copper surcharge
( 3,84 EUR incl. VAT )
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1x Lappkabel 0012351 Lapp olflex P 500 2x1, 5 mm ² PUR workshop management 100m ring
Lieske Part No.:906304
Mfg Part No: 0012351
UPC/EAN: 4044773004632
Weight:0.12 kg
Graduated prices net
From piecesPrice per meters
503,10 EUR
1002,96 EUR
2502,83 EUR
5002,69 EUR

Product information for Lappkabel 0012351:

Type: ÖLFLEX 500 P 2X1,5
Sales unit: 1 MTR
Type: ÖLFLEX 500 P 2X1,5

Please note...
This article contains a copper surcharge of 0,24 EUR. This depends on daily copper prices and weight of included copper. You can inquire the copper price via phone under +49 7666 884990

Questions & answers

What is the delivery time of Lappkabel 0012351 Lapp olflex P 500 2x1, 5 mm ² PUR workshop management 100m ring?

The article Lappkabel 0012351 Lapp olflex P 500 2x1, 5 mm ² PUR workshop management 100m ring is currently not in stock und muss auftragsbezogen bestellt werden.

According to our experience the article is ready for dispatch within 11 working days. The delivery time usually refers to 1 piece. When ordering larger quantities, we can maybe shorten the delivery time. Just send us an inquiry about the desired quantity of Lappkabel 0012351 to our sales team for an exact delivery time.

How can I buy the item at a lower price?

We offer you Lappkabel 0012351 Lapp olflex P 500 2x1, 5 mm ² PUR workshop management 100m ring always at the best possible price. We can give you a discount of 2% on Lappkabel 0012351 Lapp olflex P 500 2x1, 5 mm ² PUR workshop management 100m ring if you choose payment in advance on ordering.

In addition, you can save money with our attractive graduation prizes with every purchase. If you buy a minimum of 50 meters of Lappkabel 0012351 Lapp olflex P 500 2x1, 5 mm ² PUR workshop management 100m ring we can offer you a price of 3,10 EUR per piece. The more you buy, the cheaper the article will be.

You can also send us a price proposal for your desired quantity of Lappkabel 0012351 Lapp olflex P 500 2x1, 5 mm ² PUR workshop management 100m ring via the form price proposal. Enter your name, contact details, price and quantity you need. Our sales team will then send you a good quotation immediately.

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1x Lappkabel ÖLFLEX 500 P 2X1,5 - Lapp olflex 500 2x1 5 ² PUR workshop management 100m ring
Lappkabel 0012351 Lapp olflex P 500 2x1, 5 mm ² PUR workshop management 100m ring
3,23 EUR
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